Share the Gospel
The message of the gospel can only reach those who have not yet become disciples when it is shared with clarity and conviction. This is the great commission that we must all take up and fulfill.
The Gospel is of First Importance
Every ministry should be Christ centered, Holy Spirit reliant, and resolute on keeping the Gospel of first importance.
1 Cor 15:3-4
Our Core Beliefs
The Gospel Must Be Shared
The power that grows and sustains any ministry comes from God through the sharing of the gospel to the lost and saved.
Rom 1:16
The Gospel is for Discipleship
Only ministries that equip their people to share the gospel, from the pulpit to the pew, can make disciples that multiply.
2 Cor 5:20-21
Our Purpose
To empower churches, ministries, and individuals to reach the world for Christ by restoring the gospel to first importance.
Our Mission
Gospel First Ministries is dedicated to empowering churches and ministries by providing comprehensive training that enables them to effectively share the entirety of the gospel message in all their interactions, whether through sermons, discussions, or various settings. Our accessible online and in-person training initiatives aim to equip individuals to confidently communicate the message of Jesus Christ in its fullness.
Our Vision
To train 5,000 new leaders to effectively share the full gospel by 2025.
Our History
Leadership | Meet
Bob Orner
Bob has partnered with Gospel Boot Camps as a trainer for over ten years. He received his Doctor of Ministry from Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando.
He presently serves as a Pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. He has served as a youth pastor, senior pastor, church planter, helped start church planting networks and continues to serve as a church planting coach. Bob was the Dean of Students and Guest Lecturer of Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida for four years.
Bob is passionate about the ministry of the local church and committed to see people discover Christ and grow in grace. He grew up in East Africa where he developed a love and appreciation for cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity. God used these years to build a passion to equip leaders for the global community who are Biblically and theologically grounded, Gospel motivated and culturally intelligent.
He and his wife Chris, a Licensed Professional Counselor, have one adult son.