Lesson Two - The Bad News
To fully embrace the good news of Christ's redemption, it's crucial to comprehend the root of our division from God and his perception of our state. Only then can we begin to appreciate the magnitude of his sacrifice and experience the transformative power of his love.
Step One: Sin - The Origin of Life and Sin
People ask the question… “If there is a God, why does He allow all of the terrible things that happen in the world?”
People ask the question… “If there is a God, why does He allow all of the terrible things that happen in the world?”
Step One: Sin - Part Two
Adam and Eve broke God's heart when they chose to align themselves with the tempter.
Adam and Eve broke God's heart when they chose to align themselves with the tempter.
Step One: Sin - Part Three
As a result of their disobedience Adam and Eve have suffered dire consequences, and so have we.
As a result of their disobedience Adam and Eve have suffered dire consequences, and so have we.
Step One: Sin - Lesson Recap
As a result of their disobedience Adam and Eve have suffered dire consequences, and so have we.
As a result of their disobedience Adam and Eve have suffered dire consequences, and so have we.
Step Two: Our Death Problem - Death: Part One
Why would God impose such a heavy sentence on such a seemingly light infraction of His law?
Why would God impose such a heavy sentence on such a seemingly light infraction of His law?
Step Two: Our Death Problem - Death: Part Two
Spiritual death is the first death to come upon human beings, all other deaths are the result of spiritual death.
Spiritual death is the first death to come upon human beings, all other deaths are the result of spiritual death.
Sin begets death, spiritual death begets sin.
Step Three: Our Works Problem - Part One
It is the nature of man to justify himself and to rationalize his actions, so he can convince himself that he is truly a good person.
It is the nature of man to justify himself and to rationalize his actions, so he can convince himself that he is truly a good person.
Step Three: Our Works Problem - Part Two
Many believe they are acceptable because they are basically good people, trying their best.
Many believe they are acceptable because they are basically good people, trying their best.
Step Three: Our Works Problem - Part Three
People confuse relative righteousness with absolute righteousness.
People confuse relative righteousness with absolute righteousness.
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