Lesson Three - The Good News
With misinformation and misunderstandings surrounding the gospel, pastors and ministry leaders must communicate it with clarity. However, can the gospel be precisely defined? It's an essential question that requires an answer.
The Good News - God - Part One
Because God is Righteous and Just, it is impossible for us as sinners to have a relationship with Him. If that was all there was to the story, we would be lost and without hope. But there is Good News!
Because God is Righteous and Just, it is impossible for us as sinners to have a relationship with Him. If that was all there was to the story, we would be lost and without hope. But there is Good News!
The Good News - God - Part Two
God’s desire for a relationship with us will not be thwarted! Our sin is the problem, and it must be dealt with in such a way that God’s righteousness and justice are not compromised.
God’s desire for a relationship with us will not be thwarted! Our sin is the problem, and it must be dealt with in such a way that God’s righteousness and justice are not compromised.
The Good News - Jesus Christ - Part One
Jesus has great name recognition but there are huge misconceptions as to who he really is. Jesus is the Messiah promised by God throughout the Old Testament.
Jesus has great name recognition but there are huge misconceptions as to who he really is. Jesus is the Messiah promised by God throughout the Old Testament.
The Good News - Jesus Christ - Part Two
Jesus is fully God and fully man - two natures in one person. Isaiah the Jewish prophet wrote about the Messiah and his two natures 700 years before Jesus was born.
Jesus is fully God and fully man - two natures in one person. Isaiah the Jewish prophet wrote about the Messiah and his two natures 700 years before Jesus was born.
The Good News - The Cross - Part One
When the time was right, God the Son stepped out of glory and entered this world through a humble young virgin named Mary. He came into this world without aid of a human father. God was his Father. He was perfect humanity and deity united in one person.
When the time was right, God the Son stepped out of glory and entered this world through a humble young virgin named Mary. He came into this world without aid of a human father. God was his Father. He was perfect humanity and deity united in one person.
The Good News - The Cross - Part Two
Why did Jesus come to this world? If he is God why would he allow men to overpower him and execute him on a cross?
Why did Jesus come to this world? If he is God why would he allow men to overpower him and execute him on a cross?
The Good News - Invitation - Part One
The Invitation is what makes the gospel personal. The Invitation points to the free gift of salvation that must be received but makes clear that it can only be received as a gift. This gift can never be earned or purchased.
The Invitation is what makes the gospel personal. The Invitation points to the free gift of salvation that must be received but makes clear that it can only be received as a gift. This gift can never be earned or purchased.
The Good News - Invitation - Part Two
What does it mean to "Receive Jesus Christ”? A gift must be received in order for the transaction to be complete.
What does it mean to "Receive Jesus Christ”? A gift must be received in order for the transaction to be complete.
Master Your Understanding of the Gospel with GF7 to Share it Anytime, Anywhere, with Everyone.
Learn how to share the full gospel message with anyone at any time in a friendly and relational way, and be ready to answer to the most common questions with the GF7 for Personal Evangelism Online Training.